Rectifiers (Switchmode Technology)
The Switch Mode Rectifier is the most efficient Rectifier, offering low energy loss & excellent ripple (< 250mV across the range). Switch Mode power supplies are used in Hospitals, Operating theatres and in life support equipment, satellites, storage tank ICCP Systems & Pipeline ICCP systems.
Switchmode Cathodic Protection rectifiers can typically be used with corrosion protection pipelines, tank farms and other vulnerable metals that are at risk of corrosion where impressed DC currents are required.
We have been developing and supplying CP Rectifiers since 1992. We offer rectifiers in Auto as well as Manual (Hermetically sealed Multiturn Potentiometer) operation. Auto operation in 3 control user-programmable modes – Constant output voltage, Constant output current – Constant Structure to electrolyte potential. User programable parameter limiting renders Cathtect Auto rectifiers as the most state of the art available and its intuitive menu-driven setup simple to use.
We are also happy to engage with you on your specific needs should they not be listed here.