Reference Electrode with Integrated Coupon (IR Free)


Designed for use in normal soil conditions -moisture content changes have NO effect on electrode. The possibility of cross contamination between electrode to coupon or coupon to electrode has been ELIMINATED. Also available with Copper-Copper Sulphate, Zinc-Zinc Sulphate or Silver-Silver Chloride Reference Electrode. This coupon is sold individually, or in a kit.

Available in multiple coupon materials

  • 1018 Carbon Steel,
  • API 5L Pipe Steel,
  • Ductile Iron Pipe Material,
  • Stainless Steel 316L

Copper-Copper sulphate electrodes equipped with advanced chloride ion trap to prevent chloride contamination. Electrode should not be used in soil with chloride content higher than 200 ppm. All electrodes are side reading 360° degrees. No special installation procedures are required.


Infinite Shelf Life Carbon Steel 1cm² or 10cm²
30 + Year Service Life Pipe Steel 1cm² or 10cm²
Single or Dual Coupons Stainless Steel 1cm² or 10cm²
Ideal for AC Mitigation Ductile Iron 1cm² or 10cm²
Hydrocarbon Resistant
Robust Cable Stain Relief


Model CU-1-UGPC-C Copper-Copper Sulphate (Cu-CuSO₄) (for soil 200 ppm chloride and less.)

Size 1.5 DIA. x 2.5” long space age ceramic tube, cell equipped with coupon(s).

Overall 1.6” DIA. x 9.75”

Lead Wire: 30’ of (3) conductor #14 AWG Station Control VW-1 THHN cable.

Stability: +-5 millivolts with 3.0 microamp load.

Temperature Range: 32° to 150°F (0 to 65.5°c)